
Showing posts from August, 2019

Steps to Becomng a Successful Trader

Three Steps to Becoming a Successful Forex Trader We have talked a lot about becoming a success in Forex trade many times. Some of the most common ideas that pop up in many minds include having a plan, strategies, finding the right brokers, and getting a proper platform among others. These things are good but when we follow  Erica Villalon account on Pinterest , you will find out that it takes more than these few aspects. She mentions others like having the right motivation and implementing the correct decisions never giving up. It goes without saying that you will need discipline and motivation to ever reach the success we keep preaching.  More info and blog  Erica Villalon Trader

Elliot Wave Forecast GBP/JPY

We have been looking at the GBP/JPY lately with the potential setup below. Please Note this is a 60 min chart while you may see conflicting signals on lower time frames. GBP/JPY The Instrument still can rally and see the 131.26 area where sellers should be waiting, we like selling at the Blue Box there. The FX markets have been a bit sideways the past few weeks, however, going into Q4 we should see some more potential breakouts within price action. We shall see how this works out in the upcoming days! Happy Trading!